To address Loneliness and Isolation by encouraging people to develop Friendship, Fellowship and Fun through Befriending and Social interaction within our Rother community.
On Monday January 13th (thereafter monthly every 2nd Monday ) we are launching a Cancer Cafe for all ages and carers in collaboration with the Hub on Rye Hill supported by Rural Rother PCN.
Encouraging people to develop Friendship, Fellowship and Fun through Social interaction within our Rother community.
Our Approach
Friends Altogether in Rother (FAiR) – provides Befriending, being developed for Feb/March 2024 and a diverse range of Social events and outings in collaboration with other organisations.
Our focus is on relieving people who are in need, in particular but not exclusively, those who are lonely and isolated in the ward of Rother District Council and the surrounding areas by the provision of support services including a Befriending service and facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation and other leisure time occupation with object of improving their conditions of life
To address Loneliness and Isolation by encouraging people to develop Friendship, Fellowship and Fun through Befriending and Social interaction within our Rother community.