March 16th – Tilling, Tea and Cake – Quote: ‘Social, helpful, exciting, a pleasure to attend’

Some of our happy guests at Tilling, Tea and Cake

26 guests, 4 volunteers and myself, enjoyed another Saturday Social at Tilling Green Community Centre.

Click to view our photos on Facebook

A testimonial from one guests: 
‘I really enjoyed myself today at the meeting. Both you and Miriam are so welcoming and It shows just how much effort you both put in, to make it so helpful, exciting, inspiring and a pleasure to attend, so thank you to both of you.’ C.J.

                                                                                                 Firstly, a donation. 

Handover the cheque
Janet handing over the cheque to founder – Chris

We are very grateful to the Ferry Road Medical Centre here in Rye for donating £140 from their Christmas Raffle Draw. Janet / Treasurer surprised Chris with the cheque seen here below – with a surprised look on his face!

GP – Dr Sarah Jacques updated us on the development of Sussex Outreach Support (SOS) and spoke with individual guests (confidentially) about any medical concerns they had.

Social Prescriber – Emma Ashworth – (who covers 5 medical practices across Rother, including Rye Medical and Ferry Road centres) explained her role as a social prescriber and the importance of relationship with organisations like FAiR for referrals both to our new Befriending service, our monthly events and volunteering opportunities.

Social Prescriber Emma with Guests and Founder – Chris

The Rye Repair Shop.
Dominic Manning
spoke about the shop meeting for 3 hours each month, the monthly swap shop at Tilling Green where no money changes hand.
He also impressed upon us the importance of recycling and how these events are great opportunities to socialise and meet new friends.
If you have a ‘repair’ skill, come along to the proposed first event – Saturday – May 18th – Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill, TN31 7LE- 10am. The aim is to hold a monthly meeting.

Contact Dominic: 07925 745405 for further information.

Emma Ashworth and Dominic Manning (with a plate of cakes)
Emma Ashworth and Dominic Manning (with a plate of cakes)


A new Chess Club coming for Rye.

David Beaton shared his progress in setting up the club. He explained the benefits from a social perspective and urged those who cannot play to come along ( I cannot play, but I will be attending) and learn a new skill )
Date and Venue to be confirmed – watch this space.

and finally:

Julie, who volunteers with joined us for a 2nd month in a row to provide 15 minute hand massages (they are special ) to some of the lucky guests. (Great to see some men enjoying them)
Guests tell me how wonderful it is to receive the massage and how it is a pleasure to talk with Julie.
We are very grateful to Julie volunteering her time to attend TT&C and we hope she will join us again next month – April 20th.

Each month, it is out intention to invite an organisations/s to attend to help you – the guest. If you would like a specific organisation to attend, to provide advice, please contact: or Tel: 01797 458832.

Remember, It’s a Saturday Social open to everyone, come and see what it’s about, we look forward to meeting you there.




Friends Altogether in Rother