A sunny RVA AGM, a workshop and next day, torrential rain nearly stops play….

Tilling, Tea and Cake workshop

On Friday October 18th, a beautiful sunny day, Rother Voluntary Action (RVA) held their yearly AGM at Tilling, Green Community Centre here in Rye.
120 people attended an enjoyable and productive event.

Volunteers (where would charities and our communities be with out them?) across rural Rother were acknowledged for their invaluable time given to local charities, so may essential services that government can longer fund.

3 workshops were also on the agenda, one of them being ‘ Tilling, Tea and Cake’.  28 people joined us to learn about FAiR.

Founder/CEO Chris Pollard spoke about where the idea came from and FAiR’s journey to receiving initial funding – a Making it Happen Grow Grant in October 2023 supported and encouraged by RVA.
Tilling, Tea and Cake launched November 2023. A monthly ‘2 hour drop in’ every 3rd Saturday of each month, where information, support and guidance is provided by Health and Wellness professionals plus attendance of our GP (and trustee)Dr Sarah Jacques.
Chris also mentioned his gratitude to local businesses, Haydens, Cornish Bakery and jempsons who regularly provide freshly baked Cakes and Savouries for each event.

Ricky Perrins – Engagement and Inclusion Facilitator for Possability People spoke about his role. He also acknowledged the vibrant and engaging atmosphere at TT&C and his gratitude for being invited to work with FAiR.

A quote from an attendee:Loved the FAIR space at the RVA AGM – so inviting!! J – HVA

In 12 months, approx 500 people have attended, of whom, 81 have received hand massages provided by volunteers from A Touch Of Gentleness.

In March 2024, Kathy Crowther joined FAiR.
Kathy spoke about her role as Befriending Coordinator with responsibility to train volunteers to provide  ‘Companionship Calls’ – launched successfully early September. In Summer 2025, we intend to provide ‘Face to Face’ visits – again provided by trained volunteers.

Dr Sarah Jacques spoke about the development of her CIC – Sussex Outreach Support/SOS collaborating with FAIR providing Health and Wellness professionals and the opportunity for attendees to talk to her each month in confidence.

Finally, Chris closed the meeting introducing a new service.
January 13th 2025 – sees FAiR launch a ‘Cancer Cafe’ – a collaboration with the Hub on Rye Hill supported by Rural Rother PCN. We will provide advice and peer support for all ages and carers.
Cancer Cafe Info)

Saturday October 19th – Tilling, Tea and Cake.
What a difference 18 hours makes!

Torrential rain greeted us. 21 attendees battled the weather – feedback was still excellent.
Local 1st responder Nick, demonstrated how to use a defibrillator – a case of listening to the machine, Dick – Fire & Rescue, who provide ‘in house’ safety feature services spoke to a number of people and finally, 2 representatives for Citizen’s advice ( CAB1066) were present to provide Financial and Energy advice.
So, another positive outcome.

Tilling Tea and Cake is held every 3rd Saturday of each month.


Friends Altogether in Rother